stfish Outdoors
Teaching the Art and Science of Fishology
Chevy Trucks.
Radio Shows
Hello, my name is Dale York, fishing guide and former pro angler, I have been fortunate to be involved with the world of fishing since I was, well, a very long time. I was blessed to have a wonderful set of parents that were also avid anglers. It was said that I grew up with a fishing pole in one hand and a boat steering wheel in the other. My parents introduced my brother and I to many different species of fish along with countless fishing locations across the United States. I will always be thankful to my parents for the many, many wonderful memories my brother and I share of those great times and in many ways this site is dedicated to them.

 As I travel around and visit with folks I am often approached by all age groups asking me how to get started in fishing. Where can we go to get the basic information on how to fish, not just the
 equipment and tackle needed, but everthing we need to know to get started from scratch? Which species of fish to fish for, where is the best place to catch them, how do you rig the bait or lures, what kind of equipment, how do you tie a knot, what is the best boat, motor, tow vehicle the questions are endless.

 To many of us in the fishing world, these are basic skills and knowledge we learned from our parents and the countless hours we have spent on the water, but many people have missed out on these wonderful experiences and now they are at a loss on how to acquire this knowledge and/or teach their children these skills we as fishermen just take for granted. This is why I created this show and website, to try and pass on some of the information and knowledge I have gained over the past 45 + years I have spent immersed in this wonderful world we call fishing.

 We will be adding additonal Videos and other useful tips and gear updates to our websire so please visit often and tell us how we are doing and what you would like to see or have us discuss.

 If you would like to comment or have suggestions for episodes you would like to see, feel free to drop us a line. We can be reached through our e-mail jstfish@jstfish.com

 Catch-Ya Later
E-Mail us at jstfishoutdoors@jstfish.com
E-Mail us at jstfishoutdoors@jstfish.com